Here have Jewelry As a Wedding Gift(Keep Reading)

Wedding bells ringing and it's time to celebrate! A wedding is the biggest event in the life of anybody and everybody wants to make the wedding as memorable as possible.

People take all kinds of pains to ensure that their big day will be one to remember and cherish for ever - picking out the venue, setting a date, selecting the wardrobe, invitee list, down to the very food menu and decoration details, people hold all this very close to their hearts and want everything to go perfectly. That's why wedding planners are so much in demand.

Now, if you are an invitee to a wedding, you have to appreciate the effort that goes into conducting a wedding successfully - physical effort, mental effort and not to mention the finance. And all invitees show up with a gift for a couple. And you might be indecisive, not being able to zero in on a suitable gift.

Picking a wedding gift can be a tricky business, there is so many criteria that your gift has to satisfy in order to qualify as appropriate, let alone outstanding. It has to be 'something good' but that is oversimplifying it. Your gift has to be appropriate, compatible with the couple's taste and lifestyle and cultural background (for example, you can't gift a bottle of expensive wine at a Moslem wedding) and it should be long-lasting and useful. And yes, there is a certain set budget you have to follow. Your gift can't be too cheap, nor can it be inappropriately fancy and expensive. So what do you do?

 Here's an idea. Play safe, go for jewelry.

Jewelry as wedding gifts are always a safe bet. If you gift appliances or the like, there is always chance of a repeat present. Not so with jewelry. Everybody appreciates a little extra jewelry. And you can pick and choose according to the price you have in mind, there is something for all budgets if you're looking for jewelry.

A sterling silver ring obviously is out of the question, you can't gift that at a wedding unless it's your own! You can pick something tasteful and simple, like maybe a small, delicate gold chain, an elegant silver bracelet, with a heart shaped locket or a set of earrings, or how about a brooch for the groom? Most jewelers will have special wedding jewelry and will help you find the right gift for the right price.



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