Getting The Most Out Of Your 2019 Wedding Hairstyle

Your hair style should be just as elegant as your wedding dress. So just be sure to use your usual stylist that you are comfortable with. Remember this is your big day and you should have a lot of confidence in your stylist. So below I have put together some tips that you and your stylist should put into action. I am sure you can think of other ideas that will benefit you and your stylist so just write them down for later use.

You should plan 6 months in advance. The earlier the better. The earlier you plan the better idea you will have when choosing your hairstyle. Also you will be able to put more of your ideas into action will your stylist.

You should clip out as many hairstyles as possible out of magazines and discuss these styles with your stylist.

Conditioner is a must. You should start a every other day conditioning treatment. Use luke warm water instead of hot water when washing hair. Hot water damages the hair if used frequently.

Ask your stylist of some of the good points of your hair and ask them for suggestions.

Every time you go to your stylist take a camera with you so you can take several pictures of the style and use as a reference. Show this picture to your family and friends and ask them for their honest opinion.

Stay away from harsh styling methods such as dying and bleaching at least 4 months before the wedding.

When your hairstyle  with bridal hair clips is chosen have a simple trial run with your stylist atleast a month or two before the wedding.

Book your stylist with wedding hair combs after your style has been finalized and a trial run has been performed.

If you are getting your hair styled the day of the wedding make sure you wash and condition your hair the night before. Just washed hair makes it harder for your stylist to manage and style your hair

Make sure to bring your brides emergency kit with you to the wedding. In your emergency kit you should have all styling necessities. Your necessities should include bobby pins, hair brushes, hairspray, mousse etc.

Just remember whatever style you choose to be confident and know that you are beautiful.



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