A purse or handbag's use has even broadened

The history of the handbag or purse has evolved through time. In the 18th and 19th century, those carrying a vintage handmade handbag would need space to hold the necessary items of the era whether it be coins, pen, fans, handkerchiefs, makeup, keys, or even handwritten letters to be passed from person to person.

21st century needs for an evening purse or leather handbags have not changed much. Aside from the credit/atm cards and mini-electronic devices,-cosmetic items, coins, pen, fans, and handkerchiefs, are still the preferred content choice.

Occasionally the see-through vintage handbag or purse would display the contents of a woman's bag. In the 1950s clear bags were carried, then in the 1990's a famous Prada trend. Also Chanel brought back the clear box supported by a chain, but the most common style purse even today, keeps a woman's personal possessions private.

A woman's handbag has stubbornly stood the test of time. A purse or handbag's use has even broadened. We can now spot women carrying baby-bags, brief-cases, stylish shoulder-back packs, shopping bags, recycling grocery bags, etc. While men are confined to pockets, women are allowed to express individualism, style, status, and femininity all through the clutch of a hand or weight on a shoulder.
Every woman has her own unique way of picking out a evening purse



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