11 Ways to Turn Her 9th Wedding Anniversary Up to 11!
All wedding anniversaries are special -- whether it is the second year or the second decade. In these days of quick-marriage-and-even-quicker-divorce, any marriage that lasts beyond the honeymoon stage deserves to be celebrated! Nine years of togetherness is no laughing matter -- definitely a milestone in every sense of the term. A special day commemorating a special event in your life -- to be celebrated with that special person. Naturally, gifts and anniversaries are inseparable. So, what gifts are you planning to give your spouse which will tell her just how very unique she is? For those creatively inclined, your choice is restricted only by your imagination! However, for those who seem to be stuck in the chocolates-flowers card rut, help is at hand. Each anniversary year has its own set of traditional and modern gifts as well as flowers and gemstones. You can easily make your 9th wedding anniversary gifts a diverse mix of the modern and the traditional. Here are some i...